Friday, January 19, 2007

#377 Pistol Lesson

I gotta be so careful about the words I choose for this chapter. :P If I say something that's potentially even a TINY bit double-sided, it'll be "OOOOOOOHH STEALTH!" and what-nots everywhere; I wouldn't hear the end of it! X-O Thank you for making me paranoid. ;)

EDIT: WOOT! I finished adding tags to all the posts! You should be able to find any strips now with that label cloud below!


Unknown said...

Don't worry stealth, I promise you I will find something a little double-sided eventually


Anonymous said...

Stealth's tips to a successful date:

1. Take her to a shooting range. It is mocho and dangerous.

2. Let her fire a gun for a while. If you pick the right one then later that night she may fire your gun for a while.

3. Before the night is over knock her on unconscious with the butt of her own gun. Once her lights are out insist on driving her to the hospital yourself. When the nice strangers help you load her into your car, you and the lucky lady will be alone for 5 - 10 minutes. For some of you this is enough time to get your thing on three times and still read the latest Harry Potter book.

Now that you are no longer technically a virgin just remember a man's class is all in how he disposes of his date.

For "Wendingo's 15 Steps to Disposing of a Date like a Man: Oh know what's that sound? I think it was the cops? Oh no, they're over there. Ok, act natural. I said natural. Oh no, they have spotted us! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!" just send $100 to:

Unknown Books
160 Nowhere Ave.
Not An Actual City, No State

And remember our motto, "You never heard of us."

Stealth's Twitter

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