Showing posts with label sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sister. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2008

T-Day: Not here

Stealth has a bit of a fever again, this is his sister posting so that you have SOMETHING to look at until he gets better :P
Hopefully I'm doing this right... x) *runs away*

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

T-Day: Attorneying

Bah, I'm not gonna bother copy-pasting my description. ;P Here's a splash of color for this week. 2 more days of school and free for the next 11...WEEEEEE!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

T-Day: Behind the Scenes

Guest strip brought to you today by the letters F, A, and T. Fatgirl (my sister) drew this little thing up today that is totally untrue. BTW, if you are artistically (or at least comedically) inclined in anyway, send me some junk so that I can be even lazier and put up guest strips on T-day's too! ;P

Thursday, June 07, 2007

T-Day: Aluminum

Meh. Too lazy to draw something new today, so I'll post a recent deviation. Click here for more details behind the story. ;P

Monday, August 21, 2006

FILLER: Wuteva

Yes, that way I have all week to finish and release 300 on Friday. Gosh, little sisters are SOOOOO...GOSH.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


WOO! YEA! Gotta take the DMV test today, let's see what happens...-.-
BTW, first guy is Legion, friend from TAU, the girl is my sister...

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