Wednesday, March 24, 2010

#731 Dig Dug Deeper


Sorry for the late page, exams have been heavy the past weeks.
Anyway, another interesting problem has occurred with the site. Although I renewed my domain w/o problems, it looks like my hosting has run out as well. I talked to Crazy, he said he'd fix it, but once again I was left having to pay the month.

Now, I've found an incredibly cheap host that I can actually afford, and will most likely move the site over their once I'm done with class (in May). Problem is all the strips that are hotlinking here from the MyIS hosting might die (as the new host says I can't do "Image Hosting", which I assume is hotlinking). That's not such a bad thing, seeing as how I'd always wanted to be the main site, not just a forward to the blogspot, but...moving 731+ strips isn't the easiest thing in the world (and I'd love to retain your lovely comments as well).

I'll see how things work out with that, I've been looking at Comicpress for the new site, hopefully I can find *something* to automate the move. We'll see.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

#730 Rightfully Ours


Yes ma'am.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

#729 Report Back


Seems I always gotta pick up the mollusk's slack. Tsk tsk.

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