Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. ;P I hope you coal get coal in your stockings though. ^_^ Here are some oldies if you really must insist...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
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No Christmas flash this year? Awwww *sadface*
I know, I know...I'll tell my sister to beat me up if I don't make an animation before the semester starts. ;P
I want video of that!
I got a pair of sunglasses for Christmas. Because I'm awesome.
Do they glow in the dark?
You drew me in the stars?
Stealth, Merry Christmas. Another year under the belt and may god bless you and your family and everyone here for one more year... at least until Stealth draws the next christmas comic then I can wish it to you all again. Happy Holidays and Happy New Years Everyone!
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