Friday, September 08, 2006

#310 The Classic Stew

More and more food is poppin' up ey? I recorded myself once again, this time you can see the coloring, uploading, and posting process too! HERE! (This time, not on Youtube. What's the point of spending all that time to upload something, if you get a compressed, worse quality version? So here is a nice Quicktime, 22MB sized, unshrunk version. 22MB is nothing compared to all the maps we gotta download. ;D)


Stealth said...

And as to not clutter up my post any further, here are some more tidbits of info!

1. I open Firefox to try and find a picture of hasenpfeffer, but there was none on wikipedia and didn't wanna spend any more time on it.

2. The whole video is actually around 1/2 an hour, in normal speed.

3. Today's strip isn't really special, and you see my laziness shine as I copy-paste the first 3 boxes. I'll have to do a more intricate strip to record sometime. :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, also:
Yum, stew!

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