Friday, August 03, 2007

T-Week: Spring Tips #1

Just a little sheet of interesting things you may not know/remember. Toast and Kain should already know this, since they play the most, but I wanted to draw their new selves (even though it's in the old style, Toast will look the same, and Kain will grow a neck. Darn, his goatee isn't visible...).

BTW, I reset my modem, and bridged it with my router, so I can have my port forwarding done properly. So those noobs who can't connect to me with the nAT Hole Punching technique (stares at Pot and Bogey) will have no excuses to not let me kill them. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm Learning!

Anonymous said...

I knew some of that but the jammer info is intresting

Stealth said...

Yup. It's important too since a unit can't fire on another unit (accurately anyway) unless it's picked up on radar, or better yet, in LOS. However, a jammer next to your radar will only allow you to see stuff on the very edge of the radar, until they get within the jammer radius. If they stay in the jammer's radius, and out of LOS from both it and radar, they are effectively invisible. it's good to spam some Dragon Eyes in front of your artillery, since they cloak and will allow for accurate bombardments.

Fraser said...

That jammer info is definitely useful, and I knew about the bracket functions. But I don't understand the Z/X functions, or the grid system.

If I'm making, say, 5 laser turrets, if I click Z before placing them, my line of turrets will be placed further apart?

Also, what about grids? Is that for placing objects (like mines, or buildings), or is it for formations? ALSO WHERE IS THE BUNNYMAN IN NEW STEALTH FORM JEEZE

Cloak104 said...

Is that tiny little blue person, in the radar/jammer area, a blue version of U? lol it likes U if U were blue.

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