Wednesday, January 18, 2006

#168 Smurf-wha!?

Ya I know, everyone's wondering WTH and ZOMG...I had to! That piggy was asking for it so much yesterday...
In other news, I still need a webmaster for the new site. I just found out that on the colored comics that the way I save it in Photoshop gets butchered in the program I use to upload to the blog. I use a program called Hello that autoamtically posts in Blogger blogs. Turns out it automatically compresses jpegs even when I already did in PS! So they come out all...crappy! I'd really like to setup the site fast because then I can put perfect quality images up, have an easier comic submission routine, and all these other cool features. So if you can do this (and know anything about something called Geeklog) please help!  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

have u ever heart about skullface.

if that have anything to do with anything..

Anonymous said...

dude stealth, you gotta do something about that blue skin.... and as for alpha, i like how you brought back our old cheerleading skirts :p


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