Friday, September 29, 2006


Boy, I got a lot of stuff to finish. Animation should be at 50% by today. I'm resigning from work today (we're moving in a month and a half, take time for friends) so I'll have all morning and afternoon from now on. So animation should be finished early next week. After that, finish up that piraty poster, THEN try to figure out how this comic system I just installed on my website can work. It looks great, but it seems like I'll have to modify some stuff to get it JUST the way I like it. Any PHPers out there know how to add a commenting system? ^_^


Also, I added my comic to this comic rank site. Click this little button here because you love me!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

#323 Tank Tumble

Good Lord, I need to switch to my domain soon. Blogger is taking a crap or something. -.-

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

#322 A'Float

Panoramaaaa! Oh and by the way, as of around 11:27AM, I am almost 25% done with the animation. Which I suppose isn't that great as I should be half way...oh well, there's always more fillers. :P

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

#321 Bebe

X-) I sure hope I can finish this animation this week. I don't want to rush it and make it look like crap...but I doubt you can withstand my lame humor for too long. ;) AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SLAYER!!
(Sorry took so long to get up, Blogger's having posting issues)

Monday, September 25, 2006

#320 Still There!

Ok, you know you want an animated sword fight, so this week will be random stuff going on throughout the 'Just Deserts' world...which, by the way, if you catch me on TS, you can very well give suggestions on anyone you'd like to mess with via my comics...X-D

Friday, September 22, 2006

#319 Those Guys

If I had any idea on how to draw you Advocate, I woulda thrown you in to...but I'm still working on it...^_^

Thursday, September 21, 2006

#318 The Squints

Cue the "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" music. Yes, that is 2 the's. And yes, I played heavily with perspectives today, unfortunately the only that is really effected by it (whether it be a good or bad effect :P) is Saptiva. Since she has the most character detail (As I'm just a sphere-headead ninja and Alpha is an ellipsoid shaped ham). Oh well. :D By the way, let me know what you think about this poster I'm working on. (WARNING! 7MB, extremely huge 7000x4600 JPEG on link! :P)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

#317 Toy Boat

Say THAT ("Toy Boat") 3 times fast. BWHAHAHA!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

#316 Ze Call

YARR MATEYS! Happy Interrrrnational Talk Like A Pirate Day!
(also, FYI (for yerrr information), there be a Blogger outage today)

Monday, September 18, 2006

#315 Spawned'd

As you can see, I am blank-minded once again. I never learn.

Friday, September 15, 2006

#314 Whif

Have a nice weekend everyone! Except you Alpha, because of your rice/ham philosophy. :P

Thursday, September 14, 2006

#313 Smells Can Be Deceiving

I literally lol'd when I thought this one up at work. But I had to hold it in...because it would be odd for me to laugh while I'm doing some boring job. :P Unfortunately, the ham didn't want to contribute his vocal talents (or lack thereof) so I had to improvise once again!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

#312 Calamity in Ze Crow's Nest

Yes, there is a radio in her right ear, YOU JUST CAN'T SEE IT! BWHAHAHA! I'll put up the color version soon, but it's already 8:30, so I might as well post something for the early birds...:P

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