Tuesday, February 26, 2008

T-Day: Exam 1

Well that sucks, I'm so ashamed of going 1 week without a comic. :( Good news is all my major exams are over so...I should get back to drawing soon. In the meantime, here's a project I worked on the past 2 days with a friend. About 12 hours of coloring with crayons, but we haven't been graded yet as we needed to write up a report on it as well! :P It's a drawing "Julian Beever" style.

Also, for those browsing through the shops, after looking over it, I found that none of the product links seem to work. :P For some reason the combine linking from Cafepress is breaking them, so what you have to do is when you click a product, you'll notice in your address bar a "justdes1,justdes2.1234567" ending. Just erase one of the "justdes#"'s from the address and you'll be set. Gotta file a report for that crap. :P

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