Friday, June 01, 2007

#450 Mind Dump

Really short, really random...stuff. Sound is such a pain in Flash, I hoep verything is in sync. -_- Here are two images I whipped up yesterday. One was just drawing my character, and doing all these line shadings, and then deciding to try the watercolor brush. The other, was another watercolor test. This time trying to make a page cover for this Chapter, which I will use in my site once it's complete.


Anonymous said...

it was kinda funny...but my favorite part about it is that, it said stealth, a true hero, then all the show has is U spinning.

Stealth said...

lol. That wasn't suppose to be the show, just another random clip. I probably shoulda thrown something in between. ;P

Anonymous said...

That was a bit strange... not sure what to think. You have not been drinking too much of the local water again have you?

Anonymous said...

The part with U spinning wouldve made a pretty good intro to the show though ^_' ...U could actually use that as an animation, the show stealth: a true hero, the spinning being the intro(and some other stuff to be in the intro)and then some other version of stealth's shorts...where Ur sneeking into the enemy base via some cool(or ridiculous, or both) way.

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