Tuesday, April 18, 2006

#221 Stop standing there...

Geez! Anyway, you guys have any suggestions on where to take this? Don't want to just copy the last SMA story, gotta be something new...I'm open to suggestions, put em in the comments ;) And if you look to your left, I took off that banner thing that I haven't updated in forever, and put links to each "chapter" of the stories I've created so far. Looking back at those old ones, I can't believe some of you actually stook around to read this! :D


Anonymous said...

i can brainwash him to come coal?

or have his dad give him a spanking :D

Anonymous said...

How about Alpha and Stealth work together, then Alpha does well, gets promoted to Super General, then does something....noobish...and gets demoted. Like trying to beat me.

Anonymous said...

I got it give him sleepy drugs or somethin that'll get him like drunk or somethen and leave him in a pit but instead of just lettin him starve come by every now and then and give him foods and drinks that you filled with sleepy drugs or somethen. :D


Anonymous said...

I Know, Alpha gets taken by XB, and you guys rejoice, but realize you have to rescue him...eventually

Anonymous said...

sic the turnip on him, he can be his new best friend

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